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发布时间:2020/07/02 12:04:09 来源:易学仕专升本网 阅读量:3454












1.辞职信:quit, resign, resignation, employ, employee, position, job

resign from the position  辞职

resignation  n.辞职

employ  v.雇佣

employee  n.员工

employer  n.雇主

2.招聘信:recruit, wanted, volunteer, requirement

recruit students招聘学生

volunteer wanted招聘志愿者


meet the requirements满足要求

3.求职信:apply, application, job, opening, applicant

apply for the position申请该职位

application   n.申请,申请书

applicant    n.申请人

opening     空缺职位

4.投诉信:complain, complaint

complain about the situation投诉该现状

formal | official complaint正式的投诉

have I receive a complaint收到投诉

5.道歉信:apology, apologize, sorry, regret

accept an apology接受道歉

apologize | apologize    v道歉

I am sorry.我很抱歉。

regret sth 后悔某事 regret doing sth后悔做某事

I had to accept your resignation with regret.我不得不遗憾地接受了你的辞呈。

6.询问信: ask for, inquire, inquiring, information, requirement

inquire about something询问某事



7.建议信:suggest, suggestion, solution,


solution  n.解决方案

suggest a solution提出一个解决方案

advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事

take my advice采纳我的建议

8.感谢信:thanks, gratitude

Thanks a lot for your attention to this letter. 感谢你对此信的关注。

express my gratitude to sb 向某人表示感谢

9.推荐信:recommend, recommendation, introduce.

I would never recommend following other' s suggestion without thinking thoroughly on it.

recommend doing sth推荐做某事

follow other's suggestion听从他人建议

without thinking thoroughly on it不经过仔细思考

the reasons behind my recommendation我推荐的理由

10.祝贺信: congratulate, congratulation

congratulate sb on sth祝贺某人,关于某事

I will congratulate you warmly on your examination results. 我会热情地祝贺你们考试取得的好成绩。


11.倡议信: advocate

advocate a plan提议一个计划

advocate a charity sale倡议一个慈善义卖

12.遨请信: invite, welcome

invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事





2.目的(写信是为了什么,祝贺? 提建议? 邀请?











Suppose your cousin Li Ming has just been admitted to a university.

Write him /her a letter to:

1. congratulate(祝贺) him/her, and

2. give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET

3. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Zhang Wei”instead.Do not write the address.




Dear friends,

This is Li Ming, the president of the Students' Union of Peking University. On behalf of the Students' Union, I write to extend our heart felt welcome to all the international students to study here.

It has been generally accepted that college life matters profoundly to all the students' future. To make your university life better, 1 would like to take this precious opportunity to give some practical suggestions for your consideration. At the very beginning, I strongly recommend you advancing your Chinese ability, in that although this skill may not be easy to teach or learn, it plays an increasingly important role in the contemporary world, and it can also facilitate your life in China greatly. What's more, you are supposed to take more extracurricular activities and make many friends. The time you spend with them will be the wonderful memory in your whole life.

We are looking forward to your coming. Please feel free to contact us if you have any have any further questions.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



3.1 告示模板

告示要特别注意格式,有的同学写书信写习惯了,提笔就写上了dear, 写完意识到不能政,者试心态很容易受到影响。


1.第一行正中间写上“NOTICE" 或者题目所要求的主题。







This notice is to 通知的内容.

In the first place ,要通知的细节一. Secondly, 要通知的细节二.Eventually, 要通知的细节三.



3.2 备忘录/报告模板


To: (收文人,如John, All Faculty..)

From:( 发文人,如Li Ming..)

Date:(日期,如 June 23 rd,2020)

Subject: (主题:如Employee Training)

3.2.2 正文部分(例文)


You are Li Ming, the manager of fitness center, write a memorandum ( 备忘录) (memo ) to all the club members,telling them some new decorations of your center recently.


To:All club members

From:Li Ming, Manager

Date:June 23 rd, 2020

Subject:Refurbishment (整修) of Our Fitness Center

In order to provide all the members with better service and experience, the exterior of our center has been refurbished last week.

Firstly, we have enlarged the aerobic exercise area to meet the increasing needs of people who are passionate about treadmill and spinning. What's more, another 10 new water dispensers are placed in the public area due to the fact that many people are waiting in line to get drinking water in peak hours of the day. Eventually all the walls are painted yellow, red and other bright colors for the purpose of exerting positive impacts on your mood.

We hope that all of the members will be satisfied with the refurbishment.


3.3 九大书信模板




I am writing this letter for the purpose of expressing my sincere thanks for (感谢的原因).

Three months ago(时间)I (介绍自己当时陷入困境中的情况). It is your valuable assistance that has enabled me to go through the tough situation smoothly. Without your help, I would have  (假设没有对方帮助的后果) .

Once again, I would like to extend my true gratitude for your generous help.And one day if you need any help, I will definitely spare no effort to give my hand to you.  (73 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


() 邀请信


I am writing this letter to invite you (对方参加的具体活动), We would be glad if you can come.

The event will start at (时间和地点)and last for 2 hours at most. After that there will be (进一步的活动).And at the end of the(结束时的安排).

We would be much grateful if you can accept our invitation. I’m looking forward to your reply.  (55 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


() 祝贺信

Dear 收信人,

I am so glad to hear that you (重复要祝贺的内容). Congratulations!You do not know how excited and happy we felt when we heard this news.

It is your own intelligence and diligence that have earned your this achievements.And you will continue (取得成就后继续会做的事情,比如你在大学继续你的学业.) I believe you will get greater success in the further development.

Again,congratulations !  Best wishes for your continued success. I’m looking forward to your reply.  (60words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




I am 自我介绍. I am writing this letter for the purpose of providing you with some suggestions about (先写一个笼统的范围).

The relevant details are as follows. First of all, (第一条建议).  Secondly,(第二条建议) .Last but not least,(第三条建议).

I would be more than happy if you can take my suggestions into serious account. I’m looking forward to your reply.  ( 51 words )

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear 收信人,

I feel sorry to bother you but I am afraid 1 have to make a complaint about the flaws in the (要投诉的事物). I did 说明情况,例如:(I bought the product of your company last week ) and I found it has many problems.

First of all, 抱怨第一点. In addition,抱怨第二点. I would be grateful if you could 期待的解决方法.

I hope you can deal with my complaint seriously. Thank you for your time and consideration. I’m looking forward to your reply.  (66words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear 收信人,

We will 要举行的活动 in the 地点on 时间. On behalf of 须代表的机构或者组织,  I am calling on all of you to take part in it.

We ask you to 倡议对方要做的事情一 . In addition, 倡议对方要做的事情二. The reasons why we should do this is because 提这个倡议的原因 .

As a member of 我们须接受这一倡议的身份,例如,as a citizen of our society , we ought to 同义替换倡议对方要做的事情. I’m looking forward to your reply. (48 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear 收信人,

I am 自我介绍. I am writing this letter to see whether it is possible for you to provide me with some information regarding 要咨询的内容.

In the first place,要咨询的第一个问题. Then,要咨询的第二个问题.Finally, 要咨询的第三个问题.

I will appreciate it if you pay prompt attention to this letter. Thank you for your time and consideration. I’m looking forward to your early reply. ( 52 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear 收信人,

I am writing this letter for the purpose of expressing my sincere apology for(具体的事情,可以接短语也可以接that从句,例如my fault/that I cannot attend your birthday party).

I am sorry for (重复一下该事件,例如my missing the chance of a happy get-together)because of many reasons. Firstly,  (道歉原因一). Secondly,  (道歉原因二) .Eventually, (道歉原因三) .

Once again, I feel really sorry for any inconvenience I have caused. I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. I’m looking forward to your reply.  (51words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



Dear 收信人,

I am(自我职位介绍) . On behalf of (单位名称). I am writing the letter for the purpose of recruiting 招聘的职位如volunteers(志愿者). And the basic requirements are as follows:    

First of all,招募要求一,Besides,招募要求二, Finally, 招募要求三.

Call电话号码 or send an email to 收邮箱的地址(网站) for an application and for further information about the interview. Please do not hesitate to contact us. I’m looking forward to your early reply.  (53 words)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




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